Sunday, October 22, 2017

Care for combat vets

No vet that has seen combat should be homeless or hungry.  The government should guarantee this.  I know all vets are eligible for many benefits, but some slip through the cracks or need more help. Too many homeless people are veterans. While many complications have led to their current state there has to be a safety net for those who were asked to potentially sacrificing their lives for or country.  That they did and now we must pay them back by providing housing and funds for the most basic necessities and their families too.  Couple that with basic social worker supervision to get them any further help they need to get them on their own two feet, but always they will have a safety net to fall back on. 

I know there are programs and projects for vets, but again it has failed some people and this new program is meant to catch those who were missed.  It is actually a damn shame for the country that any vet doesn't have a place to stay and in need of anything to survive.  We need to do that.

  I know the number of service members is large but my proposal is for combat veterans. Who qualifies for that remains to be seen but at first blush if you were asked to directly kill or be exposed to enemy action and you did so as your job you qualify. 

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