Thursday, June 5, 2014

Day at the races and the next project

Old Hilltop or Pimlico
I have been checking stuff my bucket list (if I finish it do I die?)  left and right: First horse racing track live event attended. I went with my dad and his friends, who he told me over the years they make a yearly trek to the track.  I have been waiting to do it for years.  I played and went 3 for 4.  I think I like this, but if you know me you know this would be up my alley.  Actually, it reminds me of the first real gambling experience of my life which was playing the horse race game in a casino on Grand Bahama when I was 17.  That was really fun, but this real thing is another level.  It turns out racing here in Baltimore now is only about a month so that is a good thing...

Here they are crossing the finish on the turf track.  
Here is crossing the finish on the dirt. 

Pretty amazing animals.  More people should appreciate this sport so it doesn't die out.  I think lots of younger people would love it if they went.  

So my next random overspent project, where I do the usual and spend more than it would have cost to get it done professionally.  See this hearkens back to the last sewing project where I should have used a better machine.  So I got one, which is a walking foot machine which I should have used for the dog collars and the coaming pads:
Rex 607Z

Here's what I am doing, repairing the zipper of the windshield. This was repaired about 4 years ago with plastic tooth zippers, which I learned shouldn't be used on curves.  I got #10 coil type zippers which is what I should've used from the beginning.   

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