Monday, August 5, 2013

DIY Projects

The end of July/beginning of August found me doing a few projects.  First I was helping a friend finish his bathroom.  The picture below is studding out from the wall.  Then I hung drywall and applied a tape coat. This was fun as I got to use my powder actuated nail driver and nail gun.

The second project is building a long wall cabinet in my shop area.  It is going to be 15" wide by 20" deep and 74" tall.  I looked for something off-the-shelf, but the narrowest cabinets I found weren't wide or tall enough.  My design was going to be nailed together until I found reference to a Kreg Jig They had a video of how to build a wall mount cabinet that was good for reference even without the Kreg jig.  That project video actual sold me and to my surprise my Home Depot had it in stock.  I bought it and a bunch of wood. So off I went cutting the wood and planning the build.  Stay tuned for pictures.        

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