Monday, July 15, 2013

Recessed lights redone

Here is a quick project post of redoing my recessed lights.  I had originally installed these small halogen lights into accent my bar area.  There was a problem with the distance that the bulbs required to go into the fixture.  These halogen lights were a press connection to the fixture  and due to the drywall, when it was installed, being uneven with the fixture the one bulb would be intermittent.  This was because the fixtures were put in place before the drywall was mounted and they were not perfectly aligned or parallel.  I removed the old fixture seen in the first picture.  I was worried that the wires wouldn't be long enough to be reused, because I remember I had a time getting the fixtures wired into begin with.  The original fixture boxes were very small.  The second picture shows the wires are long enough to work with. the third and fourth pictures show the new 4" Halo recessed lights going in.  I took a picture from the one hole by sticking my phone into the hole for the second light to see what the wires were doing in the ceiling.  I was concerned that the wires would be stretched or pinched, because the box was offset so far from the light housing.  As you can see there is some slack.  I had a time getting the lights specifically the installation clips to lock in place (see the blog on that whole issue).  Once in they look pretty good (last picture).          

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