Monday, March 4, 2013

Salmon cakes and potatoes au gratin

I made these salmon cakes yesterday.  Turned out pretty good.  The amount of corn seemed excessive and looked like it to, but it tasted good.  On a food eating note, I've kept my weight at 213 well 212 on a good day.  I would like to lose 10 more pounds, but working out is causing me to ache more than usual.  I'm sticking to every other day to minimize the discomfort.  I haven't injured anything specific, but it seems like it doesn't take much for me to over-do it these days. That said I'm going to try and cut out desserts.  I watch what I eat; however, I do like my cookies at lunch. No more starting today. I figure that couple hunderd calories per day is going to make some difference ATBE (all things being equal, is that a valid acronym?) .  We'll see.  Oh I dont know if I mentioned I'm trying to learn spanish.  Started with memrise now I'm doing duolingo .  Duolingo is more traditional (grammar and mechanics) than memrise in that memrise was more vocabulary.

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