Sunday, September 2, 2012

August 31st

Got out early Friday morning, check that not really.  I realized I forgot my sunglasses as I started up the boat, so back to the house.  To my surprise my wife wanted to go out.  I said sure and 1 hour later of who knows what she was ready to go.  It's always nice to have another person on the boat but I was all ready for a day by myself.  The couple things I appreciated about her company was A. She could get the net B. take pictures C. Keep me company when the fishing was slow.  Well 2 out of 3 ain't bad.  See she did A and B but C not so much due to the fact she was asleep 90% of the trip.  The fresh air and motion of the boat has a hypnotic effect on her that instantly relaxes her. I'm glad we don't have a cruiser our she would be out 100% of the time.  The walkaround doesn't accommodate much relaxing space so I have to interrupt her when I drive the boat.  So the fishing started out real promising with a series of great drifts. This decent sized rock in the picture was the represented the potential of the day.  Well that lasted about a half hour.  The next couple of hours Resulted in maybe 6 more fish (5 small rock and 1 blue). The only notable thing was I got the last rock after stopping between places where some random birds were hanging out.  It still was a good day out on the water with my wife. 

Got out early well tried to until I relieved 

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