Monday, June 25, 2012

June Updates

So its been a busy few weeks.

First the Ice Luge was constructed and turns out the documentation from last year may have been a little unclear.  It turns out we went with 21" not 29" rear leg length.  Thus the angle was too aggressive at 36 degrees (versus 28 degrees).  The other issue was I added lights (bass Christmas lights).  I tested them, but once the ice was in place the lights didn't work. Someone improvised with a black light set on the table under the luge.  So the next plan is to reuse the luge but add black lights and shorten the legs to 21".

On the 17th Father's Day we took the family on the boat to see the Blue Angels.  We anchored up between the Key bridge and Fort McHenry, had a picnic and watched the show.  I was impressed and can't believe I hadn't gone to see them before.  When ever they are in the area I am going to try and see them.           

I am close to finishing the coaming pads.  I have constructed one 100% and the other I just have end caps to sew on. I am a little dissapointed with the finishing,but it seems like they will do the job.  I will have to check the fit and adjust the postion of the snaps that keep it from sliding around too much.

On a new note I gave someone my resume for a PM job where they do IA. More specifically data security by protecting communications, sensitive and classified data, intellectual property and digital identities. I am not too sure about that considering it isn't in my area of technical expertise; however, I think the field is very hot right now and in some ways is the future of defense.  Last week I was also contacted by a former customer that asked me about my willingness to come and work for them.  this is the second time I was contacted by them, but this wasn't a causal what-do-you-think-of-working here kind of deal. Either way I think I need a new suit.

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