Friday, May 18, 2012

May 19th 2001


I couldn't find a card that says what I wanted to say.  Each card wasn't quite right.  Sure they're some lovely sentiments, but they aren't from me.  So instead i'm going to do my best to write what I feel. While I don't say it; you know how I feel.  I'm not big on hugs and kisses, but you know it.  I appreciate all that you do, taking care of the house and the dogs.  I know I don't do near as much as you do and you don't give me a hard time.  I feel i'm lucky to have you and I don't say it enough, but you know.
Simply put: I love you.


Dear Husband,
Thanks for all the kind words. Never, think that you do not do enough. You're the best husband in the world and I love you more than words can say. So thanks for being the Man that you are.
With all my love,

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