Sunday, July 24, 2011

That test

So that previously mentioned test was successfully passed.   2 hours 15 minutes used of the allotted 4 hours.  I rushed, but on a multiple choice test there wasn't much point of belaboring.  It was about what I prepared for.  More simplistic questions than the multi-step scenario questions that some of the practice tests would have you believe.  Funny part was I had 2 questions that were 2 step algebra questions ie find B where the basic formula for A is B+C and the formula for C is D + E  and they give you A, D and E.  None of even the most complex sample questions ever asked you more than applying the straight formula (find A given B and C). I was amused and glad I could see through their trickery, but sad for the less math savvy to the point that I thought I was over thinking the problem.  

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