Saturday, March 14, 2020

2020 March (yeah its it's been awhile)

Its been awhile, sorry to myself for not keeping this up, but something had to have happened that would spur me to start it up. What is happening right now is unprecedented. It's like 9/11 in that everything will be different after. This one isnt a surprise attack but rather a natural one. Scifi writers have been visualizing this for years in print and on screen. 
It was always a reality of our globally connected world, the right pathogen in the right conditions was going to become a pandemic. Right now it's not a tragedy or holocaust in terms of numbers of deaths. In terms of day to day impact it's right now 3/14 like a snowstorm, travel is limited and events cancelled. Grocery stores depleted and certain items are in short supply. So why are we here when there were warnings both fictional and real? H1N1 and Ebola were some of the warnings that ended up not resulting in not many deaths here. 
As of today the impacts are economic. The market crashed, some said it was bound to happen. The markets dont like surprises and uncertainties and that is what we are faced with.  The suspension of travel and events will cause people to lose jobs. This will hurt the most vulnerable of our country and plunge some into poverty.  All of this is temporary and we will recover stronger than ever. Also the response will be to strengthen our medical preparedness for the next one and there will be a next one.  
Now the other side which is what if this does overwhelm the medical system's capacity? This is the worst case scenario that will be more of a permanent impact to our country. We dont have control of this progression we can only work toward preventing this. What can we do, dont spread it, dont travel unnecessarily, will be working from home and looking out for others. Lastly, going to have to say the cliche might be a good time to pray. Pray for a temporary event and for it to quickly pass. 

Well week 2 staying home almost over.  We got food last Saturday and are scheduled to pick up more tomorrow 3/28.  Anxiety is at an all time high and sleep isnt great. I'm managing as best I can. Trying to take walks everyday, but still not really getting great excercise, but on the other hand not eating out at all which is ggood. I've done so many little things that I never get to. I have a big project related to the annual boat maintenance,  but adding in some pretty major electrical tasks.  First replacing the spreader lights. Second the cockpit lights need to be replaced. Finally my Christmas gift of bluetooth Speakers need to be installed. All this is straight forward except running new circuits through the hardtop tubing which has been the hardest part. 
This event is like a staycation but not the fun kind. It's like a snow day (or weeks). I am working from home and doing what I am able given my stress levels. Dont know when this will pass I hope sooner than later. One of my fears is getting sick or anyone in my family, so I am doing as much as I can to be safe.  I am seeing people not being safe, block parties and kids out playing in bouncy houses with parents socializing on the corner.  Others are walking but keeping their distance. In all this is getting old as opposed to getting used to it.