So I went fishing twice this week. I took of Tuesday 7th and I got out on the 12th. On Tuesday I went to the old stand by Man of War Shoal (AKA the perch spot) . It lived up to its name and I caught a could dozen perch. I then went back to Hodges (where I had been pretty successful the last couple of weeks) and got into a few small rock and more perch. On Sunday i went straight for Hodge's but after a drift I decided to head over to the Eastern Shore (about 2 miles east), where I saw a bunch of boats. I Stayed there for a few drifts and caught a couple of rock and perch. I went back to Hodges to try out my drift sock I had bought. I had been thinking that the boat drifts pretty fast over the various points i fish and it would be nice to slow it down a bit. I wnt to Bass Pro Shops in Arundle Mills and got a 54" model. At BPS my truck was hit, but that is another story. Anyway the drift sock was rigged up to a rear cleat and I tried a few drifts. In my unscientific tests it seem to slow down the drift about 10%. Its that good? I don't know how much more time I actually get to fish because the anchor has to be retrieved between drifts and I was wondering does it scare the fish? I caught a few and decided to try man of war. Down there I caught the usual perch and got a few of almost decent size but no monsters. I then headed down the 7" knoll. There were a bunch of boats fishing when I got there but they soon cleared out. I ended up catching 4 species there, rock and perch (of course) and then a croaker and spot too. At this point I had been fishing for 5 hours, so I decided to head back in.
So I come out of BPS and I see a 14" blue line on my quarter panel. I parked at the end of the parking lot that was a bit busy but it was the end and not really crowded. I get home and pull out the polish compound and the el cheapo right angle polisher from Harbor Freight. After an hour of polishing I get it almost 100% out. It was pretty lucky that it didn't go through the paint, so I got of easy. Monday morning I see there is a screw sticking out of my brand new tire (on the same vehicle). I took it to be plugged and as luck would have it it didn't go through the tread.
Nice sunrise on Middle River August 12
Early morning sun over the Eastern Shore
Saw a flotilla of these interesting boats coming into the Patapsco. They look like some sort of early 20th century cargo ships.
Drift Sock